Blue is cool on the Blue Carpet Corridor

"Now it's one for the money, two for the show. Three to get ready, now go, cat, go. But don't you step on my blue suede shoes." Elvis knew that blue was cool, and so does the Illinois Route 66 Blue Carpet Corridor. I love it when a plan starts to come together, and 18 communities and a few of us organizational-officer-types are making it happen. It's been a productive and positive week in the land of blue carpet. The first exciting thing to happen this week was the reveal of the awesome 2015 Illinois Motor Tour/Blue Carpet Corridor logo! Some months ago, our BCC group voted unanimously to partner with the Route 66 Association of Illinois on this. We agreed to let the association use our official BCC theme - "Miners, Mobsters and the Mother Road" - on the logo design for the 2015 Motor Tour, in exchange for BCC using the logo on merchandise and publicity. Win-win! Don't you just love this design? Here's the link for the Route 66 Associati...