A new year, a new book, and old challenges

The first day of a new year usually brings thoughts of new beginnings, a fresh new slate on which to inscribe our best intentions, a new fall of snow all ready for our footprints in a new or renewed direction.
My thoughts this new year are on (a) a renewed commitment to a book project that I began several years ago, and (b) a new commitment to fight threats to women's rights. I woke up on January 1st thinking about my main writing project for 2017 and how it relates to women's rights. And what is that book project, you ask.
Several years ago, I began to think about the women during the historic Route 66 era who made significant contributions to what we collectively think of as Route 66 culture. I began to search out and collect their stories. My recent 33-day trip to California and back afforded me some time for inspiration and research to add to the already considerable pile of books, notes, brochures, scraps of paper, business cards, and three-ring binder that re...