A day in Hannibal

Hannibal, Missouri - the birthplace of Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, and always a fascinating small city to visit. This was at least my fourth trip there, and the community seemed more prosperous and the historic attractions in much better condition than my last visit, about ten years ago.

It was Sunday, October 12, the last day of our 12-day trip, and Steve and I planned to make the most of it. We had a pleasant stay the night before at the Hannibal Inn and Conference Center which opened in 2008 in the former Holiday Inn. It still has the Fundome and a large cloverleaf pool. We had breakfast at Logue's Restaurant, a very busy mom and pop place not far from the hotel. The food was decent and the service good, and I urge you to click on the link just to hear their jingle, "Oh, the restaurant is a place to eat...home cookin' that can't be beat!"

Then it was down to the riverfront for some photos and to visit the museums and historic buildings. On my last trip to Hannibal, restoration work was being done on the buildings and many were closed. On this visit, the results of the hard work were evident. 

It was a chilly, windy day...actually, almost our entire trip consisted of chilly, windy days, with only a couple days of sunshine and milder temps. But anyway, this Sunday was chilly and windy (see gray sky in photos), and after perusing museum exhibits and wandering from one building to the next and then to a few shops, we took refuge in the Java Jive coffee shop for hot beverages and a snack before leaving town.

On our way south on the Great River Road, we stopped for a few more photos. We could hardly see the river through the fog at a scenic overlook.

We were back in Edwardsville by 6:00 pm, Steve to return to the newspaper the next day and me to begin to tackle my backlog of work. I still wasn't caught up from the three-week trip I made in August! And so this concludes my very tardy posts on our early October trip. Now to get caught up on some other news!


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